Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Merry-Go-Round

It seems there is nothing quite so fascinating as a merry-go-round. The beautiful carved horses, the flashing lights, the sparkling mirrors all combine together with that special music to delight the senses of children and adults alike.

I remember standing in line by my mother, watching the merry-go-round circle and circle, as I anxiously waited my turn to ride. With each pass of my favorite horse the excitement seemed to expand within me like air expanding with heat inside a hot-air balloon. There were times I was sure I was just going to explode with excitement before I could finally get my turn to ride. Once seated upon my horse, I would be almost bouncing from the sheer joy of sitting there. Then, it started. Around and around we would go. Up and down the horse would travel upon the pole. Seeing all the smiling faces as we circled round and round. Oh the joy, the freedom of racing in the wind upon that magical carousel.

I remember seeing that same expression of joy upon the faces of my children as they took their turn upon the merry-go-round. The excitement building as they watched while waiting their turn. Picking out their favorite horse and hoping against hope that none of the children in line ahead of them got to it first. Seeing the smiles light up their face as they climbed aboard their handsome steed. What a joyous time riding on the merry-go-round. I don’t believe this same pleasure can be found elsewhere. Only that special time on a merry-go-round will produce that particular feeling of excitement and joy.

Often, while standing in line, I would hear the sounds from a child whose perspective was a bit different than my own. Instead of excitement and joy, the merry-go-round would provoke feelings of fear and dread. Instead of laughing, this particular child would cry, holding onto the security of their parent or loved one. As a child, I never understood how something so magical and magnificent could cause a child to be afraid. After all, the merry-go-round was an exhilarating ride of joy that never lasted nearly long enough. Why did they cry? What made them afraid?

As an adult I have had occasion to experience rides upon life’s merry-go-round. Often these rides have been times of joy; flying through time, feeling the exhilaration I felt as a child. Other times, however, the ride wasn’t quite so magical. There have been times when lifes problems seem to turn the merry-go-round from a place of magic and lights, to a place of mischief and evil; a place from which I could not escape. The ride seemed like it would never end. The lifts and dips of my favorite horse upon its pole became high cliffs and plunging downfalls. Instead of circling joyfully, the ride seemed as if it was a constant, ceaseless motion. No ground was ever gained. I could not catch the other horses ahead and I could not stop because of the horses following so close upon my heels. I had no where to turn and no way off.

It was during those times that I would remember the other children. The ones who were afraid and instead of jumping up on the carnival ride, they clung desperately to their parents for safety. Yes, it was during those times that I felt the need to also cling to my Father.

Oh what a feeling to be able to reach out my arms and feel Him wrap His strong arms around me. He would gently lift me up and hold me close. Although lifes problems did not immediately go away, by turning to my Father, the merry-go-round did begin to slow. The cliffs were not so high and the drop down was gentle and easy. All because I turned to my heavenly Father and let Him take the reins.

So, the next time you find yourself chained to the merry-go-round of life, with all of it’s problems blocking your way and closing in, remember you are not alone. Your Father is right there with you and He will not let you go. Hold on tight to Him and He will hold you tightly to Him.

“It is GOD who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:23

1 comment:

  1. Just what I needed to hear today - as I am so dizzy from going around in circles. I too, am so very thankful to my heavenly Father for a hand to hold and steady me.

    Good Word, Sista Sara!!

    Keep on writing and sharing what God gives you!!

    Be Blessed~
    Sista Staci :)
